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Fields of study

Bachelor’s degree:

  • 23.03.02. Land Transport Technology Facilities
  • 08.03.01. Civil Engineering
  • 27.03.01. Standardization and Metrology

Specialists degree:

  • 23.05.01. Land Transport Technology Facilities
  • 08.05.01. Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures

Masters degree:

  • 08.04.01. Civil Engineering

Postgraduate degree:

  • 08.06.01. Construction equipment and technology (including specialty 05.23.01. Building structures, buildings and structures)


Research fields

  1. Development of the methodology of experimental studies of actual operation of elements of building structures in full-scale and laboratory conditions in order to develop recommendations for improving reliability and durability;
  2. Improvement of regulatory support and methods of scientific and production support at all stages of construction production, including quality control of materials, structures and construction and installation works;
  3. Development of methods of diagnostics, monitoring, forecasting of the technical condition and bearing capacity of building structures of buildings and structures for industrial and civil purposes;
  4. Development of information technologies in the field of surveys, diagnostics, monitoring of building structures of buildings and structures;
  5. Investigation of the actual operation of translucent structures and facade systems in order to optimize their design solutions and increase reliability and durability.
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