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Department of Metal and Timber Structures

The Department of Metal and Timber Structures (MDK) was established in September 2016 by combining the departments of Timber and Plastic Structures (KD & P) and Metal Structures (MK).

The department takes an active part in the development of the regulatory framework for the design and construction of buildings and structures. Professors of the department represent MGSU in the Steel Construction Development Association (ARSS), where they are actively working to improve the design solutions for steel frameworks of multi-story buildings.

The department develops recommendations on practical methods for the reconstruction of objects using timber structures, restoration of timber architecture monuments, ways to strengthen timber structures and increase their durability.

The department has an educational laboratory, where scheduled classes are held with students, as well as research work with students, masters and PhD students.

The department actively cooperates with design and research organizations in the field of construction and involved in practical design work.

The department regularly holds scientific, technical and educational seminars on topical issues of scientific and technical progress, the use of modern software for the design of structures, the use of information technology in the educational process. Seminars are held with the involvement of leading experts on the issues under consideration, including software developers.

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