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The currently existing Department of Integrated Safety in Construction has deep roots in the history of the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering (MISI), when in 1946, the Department of Safety and Fire Fighting Technology was opened as part of the Institute.

The first Head of the Department was an experienced engineer, D.Eng.Sc., Prof. Nikolay D. Zolotnitskiy, who led the department for almost 30 years. One of the organizers and the first teacher was the first Head of the Central Department of Fire Protection of Russia Konstantin M. Yaichkov. K.M. Yaichkov participated in the preparation of the most important resolutions of the Labor and Defense Council on the organization of fire protection of our country. A great scientist, three-times winner of the USSR State Prize, rector of the MISI for over a quarter of a century N.A. Strelchuk took active part in the activity of the Department. He joined Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering (MISI) in 1952 as a teacher at the Department of Safety and Fire Engineering, and in 1958 became Rector (1958-1983). With his direct participation, the MISI-MGSU complex was built on the Yaroslavskoe shosse. On his initiative, an intersectoral laboratory of explosion safety of industrial buildings and structures was established at MISI (1968) with the participation of the Ministry of Education of the USSR, the Ministry of Oil and Chemical Industry of the USSR and the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR, of which he was the scientific director, as well as a problem laboratory for the destruction of building structures of buildings during volumetric explosions.

In 1974, the department was renamed into the Department of Labor Protection. From 1974 to 1984 D.Eng.Sc., Professor Gennadiy G. Orlov headed the Department of Labor Protection. As one of the leading experts in the field of explosion protection of buildings and structures, he took active part in providing scientific and technical assistance to design and construction organizations, conducted examination of documentation for the construction of facilities with explosive manufactures.

In 1984, an experienced teacher, Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Associate Professor Vladimir A. Pchelintsev was elected the Head of the Department. His total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity was 56 years. V.A. Pchelintsev was a participant in the defense of Leningrad, awarded 2 orders and 16 medals. The main directions of scientific activity of that time were research of temperature regimes of fires, fire resistance of building structures, development of principles for assessing the explosion and fire hazard of industrial premises, development of scientific bases for rationing fire safety requirements.

In 1990, D.Eng.Sc. Dmitriy V. Koptev was appointed the Head of the Department. An energetic, hardworking, demanding leader, an excellent lecturer and methodologist, he rallied the staff of the department, replenishing it with experienced teachers. The sphere of scientific interests of D.V. Koptev included the scientific and methodological foundations of labor and life safety, air protection from pollution, methods and means of environmental protection, including industrial environment.

In 2003, due to the efforts of a well-known major specialist in the field of fire safety, D.eng.Sc., Professor Aleksandr Ya. Korolchenko, safety issues at the University were revived. Those issues were laid by Nikolay A. Strelchuk, who taught at the Department of Safety and Fire Technology and headed the MISI  in 1958 - 1983. A.Ya. Korolchenko founded the Department of Fire Safety at MGSU and headed the Department in 2003 - 2010. For the first time, the Department’s own postgraduate course was announced under the leadership of A.Ya. Korolchenko. The Scientific School of A.Ya. Korolchenko developed a domestic system for assessing the fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. The scientific team under the leadership of A.Ya. Korolchenko developed and put into practice methods for calculating fire and explosion hazard indicators of individual substances and multicomponent mixtures. Prof. Korolchenko formed and implemented a domestic system of certification of products and services in the field of fire safety, which subsequently led to the creation of the first certification body in Russia in this field.

In 2007, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the Department of Labor Protection changed its name for the Department of Technical Regulation, which was headed by D.Sc. Economics, Professor Konstantin Yu. Korolev.

Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Associate Professor Dmitriy A. Korolchenko became the Head of the Department of Fire Safety.

In 2012, the Department of Integrated Safety in Construction was formed as a result of joining the Department of Fire Safety of the Department of Technical Regulation. Dmitriy A. Korolchenko, who heads the department to the present time, was elected Head of the department. Under his leadership, the Institute of Integrated Safety in Construction, established in 2012, revived its activities, which has been the base for conducting research work of graduate students and practical classes of students of the department. In the research centers and laboratories tests and studies are conducted on the fire resistance of building structures, on the fire hazard of building materials, fire extinguishing properties of substances, experimental studies of product samples at the stage of development, commissioning, testing of formulations and technological solutions, applied scientific research within projects with potential developers of fire protection systems, manufacturers of building materials and designs.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vyacheslav A. Gorev, Honorary Worker and expert in the field of combustion and explosion, conducts pedagogical and scientific activitiy at the Department of Integrated Safety in Construction. Direction of his scientific research is connected with the study of internal and external emergency gas explosions, determination of explosive loads, as well as protection and assessment of their consequences. Being a Dissertation Council member, V.A. Gorev is engaged in research work with students of the department and is a supervisor for graduate students.

Since the foundation of the Department of Fire Safety, such experienced experts in the field of Fire Safety like Ph.D., Associate Professor Vladimir V. Smirnov,  Honorary Worker of Professional Education of the Russian Federation, researcher and world–renowned expert in scientific areas D.Eng.Sc., Professor Vladimir M. Roytman conducted their pedagogical activity there, focusing on development of methods of thermophysical diagnostics of behavior and properties of materials of building structures in fire conditions, assessment of fire resistance of building structures based on kinetic concepts of behavior materials in fire conditions.

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