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Department of descriptive geometry and graphics was founded in 1930 by professor Alexander Ivanovich Dobryakov.

At the moment the Department is leading at Educational-methodical association of universities of the Russian Federation of civil engineering, it is engaged in the development of programs in Graphic disciplines for specialties of civil engineering universities in the country.

The Department has been headed by an Associate professor, PhD Borisova Anjelika Yurievna since 2017.

At the moment the Department has the following staff : 6 associate professors, 5 senior lecturers and 4 lecturers.

The Department conducts training courses to the students of full-time, part-time and by- correspondence forms of education in the following main disciplines:

1. Engineering graphics

2. Descriptive geometry

3. Engineering graphics and descriptive geometry

4. Engineering and computer graphics

5. Computer graphics

Lecturers of the Department are also engaged in teaching senior pupils of Moscow schools.

The Department conducts research works, pays close attention to the publication of new textbooks, training manuals and methodical instructions. The work is constantly carried out on the assimilation of new teaching methods, arrangement of computer classes and implementation of the latest versions of graphic programs.

Also lecturers of the Department conduct researches on visual models based on computer technologies and engineering geometry in collaboration with the students. A team of students participates annually in Moscow and Federal students scientific competitions in Descriptive geometry, Engineering and computer graphics and win prizes.

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