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Specialists of the Department carry out research in the following areas: automatic control systems, life cycle management, information modeling technology in construction (BIM-technology), power supply of industrial and civil facilities.

- "The Development of data processing method of analytical web portal of urban development of the city of Moscow";

- "Formal basis of invariant models of intelligent systems for energy efficient management of engineering resource networks of production typologies and topologies";

- "Invariant estimation (coefficient) of intelligence (on the model of buildings)";

- "Methodology and logic of representations, invariant design and evaluation of the effective level of artificial intelligence of conditionally abstract technical objects (on formal models of buildings) and elements (systems)";

- "Methodology, concepts of design and verification of energy-efficient engineering systems of conditionally abstract objects (on formal models of buildings)";

- "Development of a national calculation methodology for determining the energy efficiency of buildings and structures by means of mathematical modeling and application of integrated energy modeling programs";

-"Logic and mathematics of invariant numerical representations of qualitative parameters of buildings, complexes of buildings, cities and territories";

- "Monitoring and analysis of world practices of work organization by production and technical departments of construction companies with the use of information modeling technology, and development of draft regulations on the organization of works";

- A set of rules "Information modeling in construction. The rules of work organization by production and technical departments".

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