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The key scientific centers of competencies of the Department are:

- Management audit at the enterprises of investment and construction sphere;

- Management of innovations and investment activities of a construction company;

- Consulting services in the sphere of financial and economic activity of investment and construction enterprises;

- Organization of functioning and development of heat supply organizations in the conditions of improvement of the thermal energy market;

- Development management of industry/municipality/region.

Academic staff of the Department of Management and Innovations conducts active research work with high publication activity. Throughout the year over 60 articles are published in Scopus and Web of Science journals indexed by the international systems of scientific citation.

Students also take part in research activity of the Department. Over 50 students participate in scientific and practical Russian and International conferences and forums with reports and research projects and publish the results of their scientific research work under the guidance of experienced mentors from the Department of Management and Innovations annually.

Academic staff of the Department of Management and Innovations has extensive experience in the implementation of research projects. The most significant research projects of the Department of Management and Innovations commissioned by the Department of Urban Policy of Moscow are the following:

- “The concept elaboration of the development of the economy of the construction industry of the city of Moscow in conditions of increasing the territory of the city, taking into account the forecast indicators of budget availability of the construction complex of the city of Moscow”;

- “The techniques elaboration for the selection of organizational, legal and integration forms when restructuring state unitary enterprises and joint stock companies with a share of the city which are subordinated to the Complex of urban policy and construction of the city of Moscow”;

- “The model elaboration for factor analysis of the development of the construction sector of the city of Moscow with the aim of developing measures for state regulation of the construction industry and making management decisions”;

- “The formation of balances in the construction industry of the city of Moscow”.

Over the past few years many postgraduates defended their dissertations on the most relevant economic topics at the Department.

The research activity of the Department staff is reflected in publication activity in the form of educational and methodical publications, monographs and articles, the number of which is growing every year.

On March 1-4, 2018 in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, the VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Solving environmental problems in the construction industry" was held and the Department of Management and Innovations was one of the organizers of that event.

© 30.04.2024 | MGSU
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