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Currently, the Department staff is developing and implementing new teaching programs as well as updating existing programs, workshops and guidelines.

Research work of the Department is focused on the following areas:

- Linguistic and didactic essentials of teaching the specialty language to foreign students;

- Formation of linguistic competence of the Russian technical students as a necessary component of education in contemporary higher school;

- Linguistic and methodological strategy of teaching Russian in a foreign audience at a pre-university education;

- Optimization of methods of teaching Russian.

In 2018, the teachers of the Department published 27 scientific articles, including 3 articles in journals from the list of Higher Attestation Commission (ВАК), 2 articles in journals from the list of Web of Science, 2 articles in collective monographs, 12 articles in the proceedings of various conferences, and in publications indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ).

In 2018 members of the Department made presentations at 7 international scientific and practical conferences held in RUDN University; Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Institute of Russian Literature within the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the international conference of rusists (Russian language researchers) at the University of Barcelona (International Conference on Russian studies), etc.

Methodology seminar Linguodidactic Basics of Teaching Russian Language is functioning at the Department.

The Department organizes annual student scientific and hands-on conferences called Days of Student Science (section Russian Language in Intercultural Space).

Foreign and Russian students participate in student scientific and hands-on conferences organized by universities of Moscow city and by the Russian Federation. Student work is being published in the proceedings of the Learning Russian conferences.

The teachers of the Department work hard and do a great job preparing their students for local and country-wide scientific conferences, Olympiads, festivals, and competitions. The achievements of the Department have been recognized by diplomas and notes of appreciation.

Foreign and Russian students studying at the Department participate and achieve good scores in various competitions, contests and festivals. Below, is the list of some recent awards earned by the students:


8thonlineFriendship Festival "Folklore as a confession of the people" (Moscow State University): 1stplace.


Our students won the nominations “Pop vocal” and “Graphic arts” at the Pushkin Youth Festival "With age on a par" in Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas.

7thonline Friendship Festival (Moscow State University): 2nd place.


Russian Language Olympiad for Foreign Students of Non-Philological Universities of Russia (Moscow Energy Institute):

- special prize "For Originality of Performance" (the highest score within of A-1 language level)

- special prize "For High Mastery of Performance" (the highest score within of B-3 language level)

- 2nd place in the nomination “Declamation”. 

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