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Department of Architectural and Structural Design


D.Eng.Sc., Professor Nataliya V. Fedorova  heads the Department of Architectural and Structural Design.Besides, Nataliya Fedorova is  - Advisor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS), Full Member of Russian Academy of Engineering.

 The Department of Architectural and Structural Design was established in 1991 to provide comprehensive training for civil engineers at the university branch. The initiator of the creation and the first Head of the Department was an Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vice President of the World Academy of Sciences of Integrated Security, Expert of the Russian Research Advisory Center for Expertise, D. Eng.Sc., Professor, Valeriy V. Kholshchevnikov. His works in the field of architectural and structural design, safety of people in emergency situations, disasters probability estimation and their consequences are widely known to the scientific community. The results of his scientific research are implemented in construction standards, including fire regulation for the design of buildings and structures, manufacture  buildings of industrial enterprises and public buildings. Moreover, the results of Kholshchevnikov's research were used in the design of a number of Olympic facilities in Moscow, the Dagomys hotel resort, and in the reconstruction of the Kazan railway station in Moscow.


V.V. Kholshchevnikov

A.O. Kovalev

B.I. Giyasov


Aleksandr O. Kovalev worked at the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the MGSU Branch in Mytishchi in 2000 - 2011. During his work, he was awarded the MGSU medal (2006), two VDNH silver medals (1990), diplomas of the Ministry of Construction Complex of the Moscow Region (2006) and MGSU (2004, 2006).

Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., associate prof. Botir I.Giyasov was the Head of the Department from 2011 to 2020. The main direction of his scientific activity is related to the issues of energy performance of buildings, ecology and aerodynamics of the urban realm. In challenging times he brought together the staff of the Department, contributed to the cooperation with construction companies and increase in joint contractual work.

A number of famous scientists and teachers, who made a significant contribution to the Department’s development, have worked there at various times:

·            Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Professor Vitaliy S. Kuznetsov  (Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow Region) has worked at the Department since its foundation. He is the initiator of creation of the Department of Technology, Organization and Management in Construction at the Branch and the transformation of the educational unit of the Branch into the Regional Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering as a part of MGSU.

·            Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., associate prof. Boris S Strigin.  (Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, labor veteran) has medals "For Merit in Engineering Education and Science" and other awards.  

·            D. Eng. Sc., Professor Nina P.Umnyakova (Advisor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS), Member of the "Energy Efficient Living Environment"Scientific Council of RAACS, Deputy Director for Science of RAACS) started working at the Department in 2021.

·            Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., assoiate prof. A.N. Malakhova, Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., assoiate prof. A.S. Markovich, Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., assoiate prof.  A.K. Shengelia, Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Professor G.E. Pankratova also worked at the department at different times.


Academic staff of the Department of Architectural and Structural Design, 2021

L-R: senior lecturer D.A. Kim, E.B. Pogosova, senior lecturer E.A. Egorov, prof. V.S. Kuznetsov, head of the laboratory A.V. Shumilkin, prof. N.V. Fedorova. Associate prof. B.I. Giyasov, associate prof. S. Yu. Savin, associate prof. B.S. Strigin, laboratory assistant V.E. Izotova


The current development stage of the Department of Architectural and Structural Design includes the innovative approach to the training process organization in the light of new challenges. The main prospect perspective of development in the educational activities of the Department is the introduction of a professional education system for young people.

Department’s qualified staff encourages research work development. Its main directions are aimed at solving current tasks of ensuring structure protection from collapsing, of developing new building structures and methods of their calculation, of conducting technical surveys and building structures tests, of developing recommendations and projects for strengthening building structures.

Experimental research within the framework of the Russian Center for Scientific Information grant, 2021

L-R: deputy head of the LISMIiK laboratory M.D. Medyankin, Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., associate prof. S.Yu. Savin, student I. Khaliullin, D.Eng.Sc., Professor N.V. Fedorova, student E.D. Fedorova

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