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NataliyaV. Fedorova

D. Eng. Sc.


Tel.: +7(495) 583-07-65

       +7(495) 583-79-04,

       +7(495) 287-49-14 (internal number 1713)

E-mail: MF@mgsu.ru

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs


Aleksandr V. Aleksanin

Ph.D. in Eng. Sc., Associate Professor


Тel.: +7(495) 287-49-14 (internal number 1724, 1726)

E-mail: AleksaninAV@mgsu.ru


Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Activities


Khamit M. Bachaev


Тel.:. +7(495) 287-49-14 (internal number 1705, 1781)

E-mail: BachaevKHM@mgsu.ru


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