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The Department of Engineering Graphics and Computer Modeling appeared as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics in 2021. The Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics itself began to form in the late 1920s. In 1930, Professor Aleksandr I. Dobryakov founded the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics. Professor A.I. Dobryakov was the "father" of descriptive geometry, since students of all civil engineering and architectural universities of the country are taught by his textbooks. In 1947, the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics was merged with the Departments of Engineering Drawing and Drawing.

Colleagues of A.I. Dobryakov (Professors M.A. Knyazkov, S.I. Saverin, V.O. Gordon, I.N. Kokovin) laid the foundations for the formation of State Russian standards of images in machine-building, construction and military-technical drawings.


A.I. Dobryakov


M.A. Knyazkov

With the participation of Professors A.I. Dobryakov, I.N. Korovin, M.A. Knyazkov, the first textbook and task book on Descriptive Geometry for engineers was published. At the same time, the scientific school of A.I. Dobryakov, based on a rationalistic approach to image construction and finding the shortest ways to solve practical tasks in the field of shadow theory, perspective construction, in the method of projections with numerical marks, was formed.

In 1950-1980, the mechanical engineering field prevailed in the theory of images and engineering graphics, the foundations of computational methods began to develop. The first "Engineering drawing for universities of construction profile" textbook was published under the guidance of Academician N.F. Chetverukhin and Professor I.N. Kokovin. Over 20 generations of MISI graduates have been taught by this wonderful textbook.

Academic staff of the Department, 1960s

In 1991, D.Eng.Sc., Professor R.I. Goltseva became the Head of the Department. With her active participation, a new "Machine Graphics" discipline was introduced; computer class was opened for conducting classes.

Under the guidance of Associate Professor Yu.O. Polezhaev the Student Scientific Society at the Department began its work, scientific conferences of MISI-MGSU were held annually, the winners participated in thematic exhibitions of Russia.

MISI graduate, Ph.D., Professor Tatiana M. Kondratieva was appointed the Head of the Department in 2003. She worked as a teacher at the Department for many years, conducted classes at all faculties of the Institute and was engaged in serious social work. Under her leadership, scientific and methodological work was activated, modern programs of disciplines were created, new textbooks, educational and visual methodological guidelines, handouts for student assignments were published.


R.I. Goltseva

Associate professor

Yu.O. Polezhaev


Tatiana M. Kondratieva

At present, the Department is working on the development of new teaching methods and the preparation of teaching materials related to the introduction of BIM technologies in civil engineering.

Teachers of the Department undergo advanced trainings and carry out, active research work with students.

In 2021, the Department of Descriptive Geometry, now the Department of Engineering Graphics and Computer Modeling, celebrated its 100th anniversary. Looking back on the years passed, the department gratefully remembers the veteran teachers who laid the foundation of the modern foundations of teaching descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics. These are professors Yu.I. Koroev, V.V. Gridnev, V.N. Gamayunov, V.A. Peklich, Yu.M. Repin, N.I. Kokovin; associate professors E.K. Lukyanov, P.V. Barsukov, V.A. Filippov, E.S. Zhogolev, Yu.A. Baryshev, V.G. Nikolaevskiy; senior lecturers G.A. Bogopolskiy, I.E. Petropavlovskaya, N.B. Fesenkova, O.G. Fedorova, K.V. Burova, I.A. Kislov and other wonderful teachers.

Department of Engineering Graphics and Computer Modeling, different years 

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