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Department of Higher Mathematics

There is no doubt that teaching Mathematics at an engineering university has never been easy. However, the power of mathematics, the secret of its versatility, does not lie in the specific formulas of various engineering disciplines. It is in an abstract form that Mathematics provides the most effective general methods for studying mathematical models of a wide variety of phenomena. In the last years of the work of the Department of Higher Mathematics, the educational process has been unified in such a way that, while preserving the traditions of teaching Mathematics, a unified system of requirements has been created: rigid for a minimum of necessary knowledge, flexible to take into account different directions of students' education and their initial pre-university background knowledge. Such a unified approach to teaching allowed organizing the educational process that motivates students to study.
The Department of Higher Mathematics conducts research in both fundamental and applied fields. From 2016 to 2022, the following representatives of the Department of Higher Mathematics defended Doctor degree theses: T.A. Matseevich (2017), Ph.D.: S.V. Erokhin (2016), S.A. Dukhnovskiy (2019), Yu.G. Zheglova (2021), T.V. Zhdanova (2022). 
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