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- Modern methods and forms of construction organization. The theory and practice of monolithic housing construction, including under conditions of temperatures below zero degree Centigrade.

- Optimization of organizational and technological solutions. Intensification of technological processes in the construction of high-rise buildings.

- Best practice solutions in the organization and management at the preparatory period.

- Industrial and innovative technologies, reconstruction of civil and industrial buildings. Organizational and technological solutions when reprofiling buildings.

- Technologies and organization of restoration of structurally complex objects historical and architectural ones.

- Improving energy efficiency in buildings developing and creating new structural and technological solutions. Energy efficiency of building processes.

- Organization of construction by mobile units.

- Organization of construction waste recycling systems.

- Vibrotechnologies in plant and construction production of reinforced concrete structures.

The teaching staff of the department regularly publishes scientific articles in the leading peer-reviewed journals (such as the monthly scientific and technical journal “Industrial and Civil Engineering”; the quarterly journal “Technology and Organization of Construction Production”), they take part in scientific and technical conferences such as the Intra-university students scientific and technical conference on the results of students' research papers "Days of Student Science"; the International scientific-practical conference "Construction - the Formation of Living Environment"; the International scientific conference "Integration, Partnership and Innovation in Construction Science and Education"), publish monographs and textbooks, are involved in contractual works and public contracts.
© 27.04.2024 | MGSU
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