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The Department conducts training courses for the 1st and 2nd year specialist students and undergraduates in the following directions:

1. 07.03.01 Architecture

2. 07.03.02 Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage

3. 07.03.04 Urban planning

4. 08.03.01 Construction

5. 09.03.01 Informatics and computer science

6. 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies

7. 15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and productions

8. 20.03.01 Technosphere safety

9. 23.03.02 Ground transport and process complexes

10. 27.03.01 Standardization and metrology

11. 27.03.04 Management in technical systems


1. 08.05.01 Construction of unique buildings and facilities

2. 23.05.01 Ground transport and process means

The following main subjects are taught by the staff:

1. Descriptive geometry

2. Engineering graphics

3. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics

4. Engineering and computer graphics

5. Computer graphics

6. Fundamentals of computer graphics

Lecturers of the Department also work with senior pupils within the projects «Engineering class at Moscow school» and on the basis of Pre-University training center.

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