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Department of Architecture

Outstanding scientists originated the idea of Design of Buildings department Vsevolod Mikhaylovich Predtechensky the head of the department "Architecture of civil and industrial buildings" (professor of department from 1954 to 1977) and Tatyana Georgiyevna Maklakova (professor of department of Design of Buildings from 1968 to 2011).

In 2016 it was renamed into Architecture and Town Planning department. In 2017 as a result of division of Architecture and Town Planning department it was renamed into Architecture department.

Now the staff of the department is a strong team of professionals. Experience and fundamental knowledge in combination with modern approach in the solution of architectural tasks allows us to conduct training future professionals at the highest level and according to modern requirements. Besides different researches are constantly conducted, working programs are improved, the staff of the department conducts vigorous scientific activity.

The department is headed by the associate professor, the candidate of architecture Balakina Alevtina Evgenyevna

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