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Department of Mechanics of Materials

The Department of Mechanics of Materials of MISI-MGSU was established in 1951 after the division of the Department of Structural Theory into two independent related departments – Department of Structural Theory and Department of Mechanics of Materials.

At present, 23 representatives of academic staff and 5 members educational support staff work at the department.

The Department became a graduate one following the formation of the "Applied Mechanics" training program. Professors V.I. Andreev, O.V. Mkrtychev, A.L. Popov, R.A. Turusov, associate professors A.N. Leontiev, E.V. Barmenkova, N.A. Tatus, K.A. Tsvetkov, senior lecturer A.Ya. Astakhova take the most active part in the training of bachelors and masters.

The author's team of the department works actively with academic staff of the department preparing methodological guidelines and textbooks for publication, update the laboratory workshop annually.

Well-equipped laboratory allows to conduct different kinds of experiments.
© 16.04.2024 | MGSU
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