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Following the teaching traditions, the academic staff of the Department works with:

- academic studies in the field of Sport and physical culture by full-time and part-time education with possible distance learning;

- training process aimed at improving sportsmanship course (national teams), where athletes study to increase their sportsmanship at all levels of education, to perform sports categories and to receive sports titles.

The field of studies “Sport and physical culture” provides:

- formation of abilities of various means, methods of physical culture and sports directed use to preserve and strengthen the health of students;

- strong motivation for a healthy and sports lifestyle;

- development and improvement of psychophysical, functional and special qualities required in the educational process;

- improvement of mental and physical performance for competitiveness achieving;

- psychophysical readiness for future professional activities in the civil industry.

MGSU students have an opportunity to enhance their level of physical, functional and psychological fitness in the frame of the required characteristics for civil engineering specialists.

The main fields of academic and research work of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at MGSU are:

- a new concept about the place of the Department in the university structure and the organization of the educational process, research activities;

- development of a lecture course of the academic discipline corresponding to all levels of studies (for full-time and part-time training);

- distance learning implementation for gaining knowledge and skills through an interactive educational environment based on modular training programs and the latest information technologies, which make possibility for the exchange of educational information and learning process management at a distance;

- interaction with the audience through online lectures (it was mastered by the teaching stuff of the department during the pandemic);

- creation of computer database of physical development, health status, physical and functional fitness data of students on the basis of annual monitoring;

- formation of models of onstruction specialties graduates in various areas of training and introduction of teaching technology for teaching physical culture, which ensures the required level of professional psychophysical readiness of the produced engineering specialists;

- development of the composition and level of significance of professionally important psychophysical qualities of specialists that determine the possibilities of their education by various sports and systems of physical exercises;

- improvement of healthy thinking among students - targeted, comprehensive and active use of physical education tools, ability to draw up an individual rehabilitation program, maintaining and improving the level of performance, the improvement of professionally important qualities for the current period and for the future;

- formulation of a system of individual approach to students in special medical groups;

- implementation of the rehabilitation and anti-stress protection system;

- preparation and publication of materials on scientific and methodological support of the educational discipline: manuals, monographs, scientific articles indexed in the Scopus and databases of Russian Scientific Citation Index, as well as in Russian scientific journals accredited by the highest certification commission;

- holding the annual student and international scientific and practical conferences with the publication of collections of materials indexed in the national bibliographic database of Russian Scientific Citation Index.

Over the last century MISI-MGSU with its Department of Physical Education and Sports, Sports and recreation complex and today's Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (IPCS) has not only preserved university traditions, but also increased and ensured modern level and innovation of physical culture teaching.

It is planned to introduce digitalization of the field of sport education with digital products and services (information technologies for tracking the functional state of athletes)in the future. This innovation is supposed to contribute to improving the efficiency of the training process management to form and update skills working with various types of data:

- implementing and using digital services skills;

- knowing of the Internet technologies;

- understanding the cybersecurity basics. 

© 11.05.2024 | MGSU
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