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The history of the Department of Higher Mathematics dates back to the formation of MISI named after Valerian V. Kuibyshev (now – MGSU). The Department of Higher Mathematics was the structure-forming department during the formation of the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. For many decades of work, the academic staff of the department, under the leadership of the expert Heads, formed a pedagogical school of mathematical education for students of technical universities, well-known in the USSR and later in the Russian Federation. The academic staff of the Department has been distinguished by high professionalism, understanding of the essence and significance of mathematical education of students. The established traditions and culture of teaching, proven methods allowed not only to preserve the basics of teaching mathematics, but also to adapt the educational process to modern requirements.

In different years, the department was headed by scientists A.F. Bermant, M.I. Skanavi, S.Ya. Khavinson, M.V. Samokhin, L.Yu. Frishter. As of today, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Tatiana A. Matseevich heads the Department of Higher Mathematics.

Описание: https://mgsu.ru/universityabout/Struktura/Kafedri/kafedra-vysshey-matematiki/istoriya-kafedry/IMG_0002.png

Department of Higher Mathematics, September, 2021

The department is actively working in various fields. Classes are held in student circles in mathematics, whose participants regularly take prizes in Olympiads; scientific seminars are organized. There is active research work with students. The department has organized a methodological platform - an active methodological seminar “Peculiarities of teaching mathematical cycle disciplines in a construction university”.

The Department of Higher Mathematics takes an active part in all stages of the educational process of the university, starting with career guidance work with schoolchildren. Active educational work is carried out with students.

The Department of Higher Mathematics is constantly developing, attracting and educating young people, trying to preserve the wonderful traditions laid down by their predecessors. 

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