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Scientific Policy Department

Scientific and innovative activities for Moscow State University of Civil Engineering as a National Research University have a highest priority. The Center of Scientific and Innovative Activities (CS&IA) was established for organization of scientific and innovative activity at the University. Supporting the effective development of scientific schools of University and increasing of scientific and technical levels and effectiveness of scientific research in general - is a primary mission for Scientific and Innovative Activities.

Head: Aleksey Adamtsevich, PhD

Main goals of CS&IA:

· formation of effective innovation structure and content of scientific and research activity, integration of science, education and venture practice based on fulfillment of scientific and creative potential of university staff, development of the priority scientific and research directions of sectoral and academic science;

· planning of participation and realization by university departments scientific, research, design and experimental works according to priority directions of scientific and technological activity.

At the present time the University trains the PhD according to 35 scientific specialties and DSc according to 24 scientific specialties. Involving of students and postgraduate students into research work is important direction of scientific and innovation complex activity of MGSU. Participating of young scientists in conferences, seminars, competitions for winning grants, exhibitions - an integral part of scientific life of University.

Academic staff of University and the research teams conduct researches within seven large directions:

- civil engineering and architecture: high quality of the environment of activity in the conditions of comprehensive development of the territories – architectural, engineering, urban development and social issues;

- complex safety in civil engineering, namely, complex safety of objects and building systems, ecological safety of urban lands;

- power and resource efficiency of engineering systems of buildings, structures and construction-site equipment;

- technologies of information systems in design, construction, service of buildings and constructions;

- construction materials and technologies: modern construction materials and technologies, development of nanotechnologies in the construction materials production;

- construction of power plants, namely, development and improvement of engineering solutions and technologies applicable in the construction of power plants, waterworks and environmental protection facilities; geotechnical problems of construction operations;

- urban management; economics and management of construction operations;

- utilities and real estate management.

All departments of MGSU are involved into the scientific and research activity. Several Scientific-Research Institutes (SRI) and Research-Educational Centers (REC) were created at University for implementation of research on general scientific areas and for target staff training for high-technology industry markets. Commercialization of scientific and research activity of University is carried out on base of incorporated circle of Small Innovative Enterprise (SIE), which are very active introduces results of research teams works into the real production.

Integration of scientific-research and scientific-production activity of University allows to affective introduce the innovation into the technological processes of enterprises of construction industry. It characterizes the practice oriented direction of the research activities at the University and which provides the close cooperation with enterprises of construction industry.

© 17.04.2024 | MGSU
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