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MGSU is to receive a special part of the grant of the “Priority 2030” program

MGSU is to receive a special part of the grant of the “Priority 2030” program

MGSU is to receive a special part of the grant of the “Priority 2030” program

According to the results of this year selection process among universities, MGSU is to receive a special part of the grant in "Territorial and Sectoral Leadership". The maximum grant amount that a university can receive is 1 billion RUB. Being one of the participants of the “Priority 2030" program since its start last year MGSU currently gets the basic part of the grant (100 million RUB).

The “Priority 2030” was launched in 2021 as a federal academic leadership program under the “Science and Universities” national project of the Russian Federation. Its main aim is to form over 100 progressive modern universities, centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development in Russia by 2030.

The Program ensures significant contribution of Russian universities to achieve national goals of the country. Moreover, Priority 2030 fosters scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations and provides their direct participation in the socio-economic development of the country.

The funds of the “Priority 2030” program are to encourage universities to invest into the development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and to launch innovative breakthrough socio-humanitarian projects.

The potential recipients of the special part of the grant were divided into three groups in categories "Research Achievement" and "Territorial and/or Sectoral Leadership." Each group was to receive different amount of funding based on the coefficients determined by the Сouncil of the state program.

The Rector of MGSU Pavel A. Akimov stated that it is a great honor for the University to receive this special part of the grant. “It shows great trust of the government. MGSU will do everything to promote the development of the civil engineering industry."

During the report to the Council on Grants in early December, Pavel A. Akimov announced the main results of the joint work of MGSU with enterprises and organizations of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. He highlighted the importance of concentrating on the set goals and directing all efforts to the implementation of a whole range of strategic projects for the innovative, social and infrastructural development of the country.

Director of Capital Investments of Rosatom stated: “MGSU receiving a special part of the Program grant will definitely encourage the scientific and technological leadership of the University to create new competitive algorithms, technologies and find new solutions. This, in turn, will increase technological sovereignty of Russia.”

One of the main tasks the country's construction industry is facing is developing a national computing complex for analyzing the strength, stability and deformability of buildings and structures.

The development of such software product can be carried out on the basis of MGSU in collaboration with organizations-members of the Industry Consortium "Construction and Architecture", as well as with other industrial partners with successful experience in related industries.

Thus, the fact that MGSU is to receive a special part of the grant opens up great prospects for the University to participate in the sectoral development of Russia.


© 25.04.2024 | MGSU
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