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XVIII International inter-university scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists "CONSTRUCTION – FORMATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT"..more info→

VII International scientific and practical conference "Management of the real estate object life cycle: technology, examination, economy".
On 8-10 April 2015,  the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering holds the VII International conference..more info→

12th All-Russian scientific and practical, education and methodology anniversary conference «Basic sciences in modern construction»

On 31 March 2015, MGSU holds the 12th scientific.. more info→

n Week in NRU MGSU

Our university is proud of the graduates and always with a great interest watches further progress, career take-off and achievements of all who were studying with us and tries not to lose contact with colleagues from other countries.more info→

METNET - International conference and a seminar

The International conference and a seminar METNET "Calculation and Design of Steel Constructions" will take place in a conference hall of the Academic council of MGSU, October 21-22, 2014. You can find more information on the conference site.

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