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2 سال تحصیل


«Urban Planning»

«Industrial and Civil Construction»

«Material Science in Civil Engineering»

«Technologies and Organization of Construction»

«Hydrotechnical Engineering»

«Construction of Thermal and Atomic Power Industry Facilities»

«Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Geoecology»

«Water Supply and Water Disposal of Cities and Industrial Enterprises»

«Operation Technologies of Housing and Public Utilities»

«Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency in Buildings»

«Heat/Gas Supply and Ventilation»

«Development in the Investment and Construction Sector»

«Surveying: the System Analysis of the Land-and-Property Complex Management»

«Forensic Construction and Technical and Value Examinations of Real Estate Objects»

«Value Engineering»

«Information Modelling in Civil Engineering»

«Smart City. Technologies»

«Modelling of Automated Information Processing Systems, Management and Design Systems in Civil Engineering»

«Mechanics and Computer Modelling in Construction»

«Economics in the Investment and Construction Sector»

«Financial Management at the Enterprises of the Investment and Construction Sector»

«Management of Housing Services Development and Communal Infrastructure Modernization»

© 28.05.2024 | MGSU
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