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Pre-institutional training courses

The department of pre-institutional training and professional orientation accomplishes instruction of foreign citizens both for the purpose of study of Russian language and entering to the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and other . The department gives knowledge of the Russian language, Mathematics, Physics and Computer science as all thease subjects are usually required for entering Russian institutions of higher education.

The course lasts for one academic year (October- August): 

1st semester: Russian language 

2nd semester: Mathematics, Physics, Computer science, Russian language as the scientific style of speech

Foreign citizens, who are trained at the department of pre-institutional training and professional orientation, get rooms at the hostel of National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

At the end of the course of pre-institutional training the foreign citizens take the examinations on Mathematics, Physics, Computer science and Russian language. According to the results they are accepted as the first year students to the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering for further instruction.

The training is fee-based:
Preparation for university entrance (11 months)160 000 RUR 
Costs of living in the hostel 1 990 RUR per month
Costs of living in the hostel for budget students1 060 RUR per month
Health insurance4 000 RUR per year
Budget students receive a scholarship2 200 RUR per month


Tel.: +7(499) 929-50-12

E-mail: inter@mgsu.ru

Our Address:
Block A, office 201а, Yaroslavskoe avenue, 26, Moscow, Russia, 129337

© 18.05.2024 | MGSU
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