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Navigation on page

1. About the department
2. Professional and Teaching Staff
3. Directions and specialties
4. The main directions of research activity of the department
5. Оur achievements

1. About the department:

Козлов Дмитрий ВячеславовичDmitry Vyacheslavovich KOZLOV

Head of the Department of "Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering",
Doctor of technical science, Professor.

The department of “Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering” was organized in 2016 as a result of the merge of two large departments, which combined specialized departments:

1. Hydraulic engineering:

  • Hydraulic structures (1931)
  • Water management and seaports (1943)
  • Hydrotechnical works implementation (1954)

2. Hydraulics and water resources:

  • Hydraulics
  • The use of water power (1931)
  • Management of natural and technogenic environment

The first head of the department was Professor N.I. Anisimov.

The Department of "Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering" prepares specialists in the field of river and sea hydrotechnical construction (the design and the construction of river hydroelectric complexes, concrete dams of various types and structures, dams made of local materials, water supply and water spillway facilities, sea and river waterways, ports, canals, navigation, berthing, ship repair and underground hydraulic structures).

Scientific leaders of the department:

Rasskazov L.N.

Kantarzhi I.G.

Aniskin N.A.

Levachev S.N.

Tolstikov V.V.

2. Professional and Teaching Staff

Анискин Николай Алексеевич

Director of the Institute of "Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction"
Deputy Head of the Department of "Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering"
Chairman of the Appeals Commission of state final certification
Head of the Master and Postgraduate Programs

Nikolay Alekseevich ANISKIN

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (499) 188-77-78 

Козлов Дмитрий Вячеславович

Head of Department of " Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering"
Member of the Academic Council of NRU MGSU
Chairman of the certification commission №1 and №2

Dmitry Vyacheslavovich KOZLOV

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Зуйков Андрей Львович

Curator of the direction of "Hydraulics"

Andrey Lvovich ZUYKOV

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1418) or (1419)
Кантаржи Измаил Григорьевич

Responsible for scientific works
Responsible for international activities
Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of "Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction"
Member of the certification commission №1

Izmail Grigorievich KANTARZHI

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Комаров Александр Андреевич


Alexander Andreevich KOMAROV

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1612) or (1418)
Муравьев Олег Алексеевич


Oleg Alekseevich MURAVYEV

Associate Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Орехов Генрих Васильевич


Genrikh Vasilyevich OREKHOV

Associate Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1419) or +7 (499) 182-99-58
Берлин Валентин Валентинович

Curator of the direction of " Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction "

Valentin Valentinovich BERLIN 

Senior Researcher, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Левачев Станислав Николаевич

Curator of the direction of "Ports and Water ways"

Stanislav Nikolaevich LEVACHEV

Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Брянская Юлия Вадимовна

Responsible for working with research departments
Work in the certification commission №2

Yuliya Vadimovna BRYANSKAYA

Associate Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1419)
Гусев Александр Андреевич
Curator of the study groups

Alexander Andreevich GUSEV

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1418)
Антонов Антон Сергеевич

Associate Professor

Anton Sergeevich ANTONOV


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Аншаков Александр Сергеевич

Associate Professor

Aleksandr Sergeevich ANSHAKOV


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Бажина Елена Витальевна

Associate Professor
Deputy Head of the educational methodical center of the institute of " Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction"

Elena Vitalevna BAZHINA

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (499) 188-05-02
Бестужева Александра Станиславовна

Associate Professor
Scientific Secretary of the Department of "Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering"
Curator of the study groups

Alexandra Stanislavovna BESTUZHEVA

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Волгина Людмила Всеволодна

Associate Professor
Responsible for the basic professional educational programs

Lyudmila Vsevolodovna VOLGINA

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Волгин Георгий Валентинович

Associate Professor

Head of Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydromechanics

Georgy Valentinovich VOLGIN


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Галимов Илья Мидхатович

Associate Professor

Deputy Head of Department of " Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering"

Ilya Midkhatovich GALIMOV


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Глазов Александр Иванович

Associate Professor
Responsible for the graduation qualification thesis
Work in the certification commission №1
Manager of the “Anti-Plagiarism” system for the graduation qualification thesis

Alexander Ivanovich GLAZOV

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Глотко Анна Владимировна

Associate Professor

Anna Vladimirovna GLOTKA

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Джумагулова Назира Тентимишовна

Associate Professor
Responsible for methodical works
Work in the certification commission №2

Nazira Tentimishovna DZHUMAGULOVA

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Доронин Федор Леонидович

Associate Professor
Curator of the study groups
Work in the certification commission №2
Responsible for fire conditions

Fedor Leonidovich DORONIN

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Колесников Юрий Михайлович

Associate Professor

Curator of the study groups

Yuri Mikhailovich KOLESNIKOV

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Корчагин Евгений Александрович

Associate professor

Evgeny Aleksandrovich KORCHAGIN

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Нет фотографии

Associate Professor
Responsible for the additional professional education
Responsible for working with the contingent
Work in the certification commission №2

Irina Mikhailovna MARKOVA

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1433)
Нет фотографии

Associate Professor
Curator of the study groups

Sergey Ivanovich PILYAEV

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Саинов Михаил Петрович

Associate Professor
Responsible for educational organizational works
Responsible for the basic professional educational programs

Mikhail Petrovich SAINOV

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1427)
Ходзинская Анна Геннадьевна

Associate professor
Work in the Appeals Commission of state final certification

Anna Gennadievna KHODZINSKY

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Юрченко Александр Николаевич

Associate Professor

Alexander Nikolaevich YURCHENKO

Associate Professor, PhD

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Толстиков Виктор Васильевич

Associate Professor
Curator of the study groups
Responsible for working with the contingent
Work in the certification commission №1

Viktor Vasilyevich TOLSTIKOV


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Шайтанов Михаил Владимирович

Associate Professor

Mihail Vladimirovich SHAJTANOV


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Буренков Павел Михайлович

Senior Lecturer
Responsible for fire conditions

Pavel Mikhailovich BURENKOV

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Голубев Андрей Вячеславович

Senior Lecturer
Organization and conducting educational work in hostels

Andrey Vyacheslavovich GOLUBEV

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Кудрявцев Григорий Михайлович

Senior Lecturer
Responsible for working with the contingents of the institute of "Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction"
Responsible for the organization of student practice
Development and materials layout for the site of the department of "Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering" and for the site of the institute of "Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction"

Grigori Mikhailovich KUDRYAVTSEV
Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)
Юмашева Мария Александровна

Senior Lecturer
Deputy Director of the institute of "Hydraulic Engineering and Power Plant Construction"
Responsible for working with the contingent

Maria Alexandrovna UMASHEVA

Tel: +7 (499) 188-05-02
Котов Филипп Викторович
Responsible for the basic professional educational programs

Filipp Viktorovich KOTOV

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)


Нет фотографии

Jedgar Serafimovich ARGAL

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Волшаник Валерий Валентинович

Valery Valentinovich VOLSHANIK

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (499) 182-99-58

Пупырев Евгений Иванович

Evgeny Ivanovich PUPYREV

Professor, DSc

Tel: +7 (495) 662-47-19

Educational support staff

Ерошкина Светлана Борисовна

Educational master 1st Category

Person responsible for supplies

Svetlana Borisovna EROSHKINA

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Зоммер Виктор Леонидович

Educational master 1st Category

Viktor Leonidovich ZOMMER

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Зоммер Татьяна Валентиновна

Head of Educational Laboratory

Person responsible for supplies

Tatiana Valentinovna ZOMMER

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Нет фотографии

Senior laboratory assistant

Rimma Ivanovna NIKITINA

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Нагорнова Жанна Иванновна

Senior laboratory assistant

Zhanna Ivanovna NAGORNOVA

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Нет фотографии

Head of Educational Laboratory

Person responsible for supplies

Mikhail Nikolaevich PROKOFIEV

Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Scientific-educational center of "Hydrotechnics"

Волгин Георгий Валентинович

Head of Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydromechanics

Volgin Georgy Valentinovich


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

Шунько Наталья Владимировна

Head of the Scientific-educational center of "Hydrotechnics"

Shunko Natalia Vladimirovna


Tel: +7 (495) 287-49-14 (1416)

3. Directions and specialties:

The Department of "Hydraulics and Hydrotechnical Engineering" prepares specialists in the following directions and specialties:

Bachelor's degree:


Profile of preparation: Construction of engineering, energy, hydraulic and environmental structures. Full-time and external education (4 years).


Profile of preparation: Environmental Engineering, full-time education (4 years).


Profile of preparation: integrated use and conservation of water resources, full-time education (4 years).

Master's degree:


Profile of preparation: hydrotechnical engineering, full-time education (2 years).

Specialist degree:



  • Construction of hydraulic structures increased responsibility.
  • Construction of underground constructions.

Full-time education (6 years).

Postgraduate Studies in the specialties of:

  • 03.02.08 ECOLOGY (in construction, housing and utilities).

Full-time education (4 years), external education (5 years).

4. The main directions of research activity of the department:

  1. Stress-strain state of earthen and concrete dams.
  2. Filtering in the foundations through and bypassing the structure.
  3. Thermal condition of concrete dams during the construction and the investment periods.
  4. Safety of dams, water transport and other hydraulic structures.
  5. Researches of shipping facilities.
  6. The impact of ice formations on the seabed and underwater structures.
  7. The modeling of hydro-lithodynamic processes in the coastal zone, impacts and loads on marine hydraulic structures, marine pollution and integrated environmental assessment of projects.

In recent years, the department completed a number of projects, each of which puts forward new scientific problems:

  1. Scientific and technical support for the design of hydraulic structures of a floating nuclear thermal power plant in Pevek.
  2. Mathematical modeling of waves, currents and lithodynamical processes at the site of engineering protection structures of the Imereti lowland, in Sochi.
  3. Mathematical and physical modeling of wave processes to ensure the development of project documentation for the construction of the project “The Complex of Coastal and Marine Infrastructure in the port of Gelendzhik”.
  4. Development of an interactive mathematical model of wind waves and currents in the area of the proposed construction of the Object: “A complex for the production, storage, and shipment of liquefied natural gas and stable gas condensate at the Salmanovsky (Utrenny) oil and gas condensate field”.

5. Оur achievements:

Topics recently defended theses:

  1. "The stress-strain state of stone-earthen dams during seismic effects", author: Nguyen Phuong Lam (Vietnam), Supervisor: Rasskazov L.N.
  2. "Anisotropic filtration in dams and foundations", author: Makhsa Memarianfard (Iran), Supervisor: Aniskin N.A.
  3. "longshore transfer pebbly and sandy nonuniform sediment in the presence of transverse hydraulic structures", author: Bondareva E.V., Supervisor: Kantarzhi I.G.
  4. "Filtration-temperature regime of the system "Dam-foundation"", author: Aniskin N.A., for the degree of doctor of technical sciences.

The most significant publications of the department staff:

  1. Hydraulics: a textbook for universities/A. A. Gusev. - M.: Publisher Yurayt, 2013. - 285 p.
  2. Hydrotechnical structures (river): a textbook for universities/L.N. Rasskazov and others. -M. Publisher АСВ, 2011. Parts 1, 2.
  3. Hydrodynamics of Circulation Flows: Scientific publication/Zuykov A.L.-M. Publisher Association building universities, 2010. - 216 p.
  4. Wave calculations in the design of ports [Electronic resource]: a tutorial/Pilyaev, SI, Gubina, NA — Electronic Text Data. —M. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 2010.— 96c.
  5. Hydraulics of water and suspended flows in rigid and deformable boundaries/Bryanskaya Yu. V., Markova I. M., Ostyakova A. V./Edited by V. S. Borovkov: Monograph. - M.: Publisher Association building universities, 2009. - 264 p.