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Аэродинамика зданий и сооружений.

Гидравлика и гидродинамика. 

1.Чурин П.С,, Грибач Д.С, Грибач Ю.С Influence of buildings aerodynamic characteristics on the calculation of infiltration losses results MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 196, Номер статьи 01048, 2018

2.Чурин П.С., Поддаева О.И., Грибач Ю.С., Федосова А.Н. Conducting experimental investigations of wind influence on high-rise constructions // E3S Web of Conferences Volume 33, Номер статьи 02067, 2018.

3.Чурин П.С., Федосова А.Н. Analysis of normative and scientific and technical documents in the field of testing bridge structures for wind loads // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 365, Issue 5, Номер статьи 052009, 2018.

4. Poddaeva, O.Churin, P.Fedosova, A.Truhanov, S.Investigation of the Stability of a Two-Span Bridge with the use of a High-Precision Laser Displacement Sensors // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 317, Issue 1, 2017.

5. Pomelov, V., Poddaeva, O., Churin, P., Fedosova, A. Analysis of domestic and foreign regulatory and scientific and technical documents in the field of wind influence on buildings and structures that are part of hazardous production facilities // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 365(5),052025, 2018.
