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MGSU participated in the international educational exhibition Study World 2015.

MGSU participated in the international educational exhibition Study World 2015.

MGSU participated  in the international educational exhibition Study World 2015.
On April 24 and 25 in the Russian house of science and culture in Berlin (RHSC) there took place the annual international educational exhibition Study World 2015. Annually on Study World the German and foreign universities represent the educational institutions and give the full review of programs of the higher education. MGSU for the first time this year was presented at the educational exhibition Study World 2015. 
The department of international relations presented university on the international stage and invited foreign students to participate in the MGSU "Architecture of Moscow" Summer school which will give the chance to get acquainted closer with the Russian culture and architecture, and also to learn or increase the level of Russian. 

On April 23 the meeting with colleagues from the Technical University (TU) of Berlin was held. A key factor of cooperation between TU of Berlin and MGSU there is a development of the academic mobility. 

 Department of International Relations
© 19.04.2024 | MGSU
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