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MGSU strengthens cooperation with universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

MGSU strengthens cooperation with universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

MGSU strengthens cooperation with universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On July 26, 2023, the Founder and the Chairman of the board of Turon Zarmed University (Turon Zarmed Universiteti, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan) Dilshod Shukurlaev paid a visit to MGSU and met with the MGSU administration. During the meeting the Turon Zarmed University founder delivered a presentation and spoke about the potential of the University. The MGSU Rector Prof. Pavel A. Akimov informed his Uzbek colleague about the capabilities of the MGSU, its educational and scientific potential, as well as about the university's partners, including international ones. MGSU was also represented by the Deputy Rector Natalia Zhelanova, Vice-Rector Vera Galishnikova, Vice-Rector Oleg Ignatiev, Director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planing Armen Kazaryan and Director of the Center of International Educational Integration Olga Guseva.

Issues of potential cooperation, development of network programs, academic exchange and expansion of educational cooperation were also discussed at the meeting. The parties agreed on the prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation in the light of strengthening ties between Russia and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

© 30.04.2024 | MGSU
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