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XXV Russian-Polish-Slovak seminar "Theoretical construction bases"

XXV Russian-Polish-Slovak seminar "Theoretical construction bases"

XXV Russian-Polish-Slovak seminar "Theoretical construction bases"
11-On July 15, 2016 in the Slovak city Zilina the anniversary 25th scientific seminar with participants from Russian higher education institutions (NRU MGSU and the Samara GASU), two Polish universities (The Warsaw PU and Wroclaw PU), and also University Zilina took place.
The seminar "Theoretical bases of construction" exists since 1992. At first it was the Russian-Polish seminar where only scientific institute MISI and the Warsaw polytechnical institute participated, and in 2004 the Zhilin university joined them. Since 2006 Wroclaw PU also became a constant participant of a seminar. For last years the seminar in the territory of Russia except Moscow was held in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Ivanovo, Arkhangelsk, Samara Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude.
In the program of the last seminar two days were devoted to meetings, and one day to excursions in memorable places of northern Slovakia. There were presented 5 reports on the subjects: construction mechanics, building constructions, geodesy and geotechnics, and also the generalized section devoted to technology, the organization and control in construction. Among speakers there were professors, associate professors and doctoral candidates. The majority of reports was given in English, and it was visible, that in Slovakia and in Poland huge attention are given to study of foreign language, practically all young participants perfectly speak English.
The Russian delegation consisted of five employees of MGSU and four representatives of SAMGASU.
In the last day there was arranged an interesting excursion to construction of the new highway from Slovakia to Poland. We could see very close a decoupling of this road and a tunnel. At first the chief project engineer explicitly told about financing of this huge construction in Slovakia and technical features of the project, and then participants of a seminar passed on the bridge through a water reservoir and on a tunnel so all of us saw it with own eyes.
It is necessary to mark that this seminar is not only scientific action, but also a site of establishment strong international relations among scientists.
© 29.05.2024 | MGSU
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