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The Department of Construction Materials Science trains students of all specializations in the necessary disciplines like "Building materials: basic course" and "Building materials and systems". Specialized disciplines such as “Materials Science in Design and Engineering”, etc. are taught to Bachelor degree students of all specializations. Professors of the department not only hold classes for Master degree students, but also act as academic advisers for those working on theses.

Disciplines given by the department are the following:

· Materials science in design and engineering;

· Building materials;

· Corrosion and protection methods of materials, products and structures;

· Decorative acoustic materials;

· Fundamentals of research methodology;

· Fundamental concepts of natural science;

· Chemistry;

· Chemistry in building and construction;

· Chemistry in restoration and reconstruction;

· Methods of physicochemical analysis of building materials;

· Modern building materials and systems in building and construction.

The department trains highly qualified scientific personnel - candidates of technical sciences in the following fields:

05.23.05 - Construction materials and products;

05.16.09 - Materials Science (in building and construction);

25.00.36 - Geoecology (technical sciences);

and doctors of technical sciences in the specialty:

05.23.05 - Building materials and products.

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