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The Department of Water Supply and Water Disposal was established in 2016 as a result of the merger of the Departments "Water Supply" and "Water Disposal and Water Ecology”. The Head of the Department was the D.Eng.Sc., Professor Vladimir A. Orlov.

The Department of Water Supply was one of the profiling at the MISI and since 1929 has been training civil engineers in the field of water supply and sewerage. The first Head of the Department was Professor N.N. Geniev. From 1942 to 1979 the Head of the Department was Professor N.N. Abramov. Both of them had great influence on the formation of basic directions and specialties in the field of water supply. Then Professor I.V. Prozorov headed the Department. For 20 years (until 2010) the Department was led by Professor M.A. Somov. From 2010 the Department of Water Supply was headed by D.Eng.Sc., Professor Vladimir A. Orlov.

 Department of Wastewater Disposal was formed at MISI in 1932 with the division of the Department of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal into two independent ones. The first Head of the Department of Wastewater Disposal was Zakhar N. Shishkin (1878-1948). He wrote the first coursebook in the "Wastewater Disposal" field of study.  In 1947 - 1953 the Department was headed by a prominent scientist and teacher N.D. Dobrokhotov.

D.Eng.Sc., Professor Yakov A. Karelin made a great contribution to the development of the special field, education of students and training of scientific and teaching personnel. He headed the Department from 1953 to 1959.

 After MISI and MIIGS merger the Department of the Wastewater Disposal was headed by Sergey V. Yakovlev .

In accordance with the State Educational Standard from 1994 the special field was called Water Supply and Water Disposal, so the Department got the name “Department of Water Disposal”.

In May 2011 it was renamed into the Department of Water Disposal and Water Ecology, as the Department of Protection of Water Resources became its part.  Until May 2016 D.Eng.Sc., Professor Evgeniy V. Alekseev remained the Head of the Department.

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