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The Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication was established in 1942 as the Department of Foreign Languages.

Currently 21 employees work at the Department, 10 of them are Candidates of Sciences, 3 teachers are working on their Candidate Dissertations. Teachers of the Department successfully combine educational and scientific work. Over the past years they have published over 250 articles, including approximately 120 articles by the Higher Attestation Commission, 14 Web of Science and 17 Scopus.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication actively interacts with students of all institutes of MGSU and all levels of training, from undergraduate to graduate school, successfully combining educational process with introduction of youth to research work.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication is engaged in language training of graduate students and doctoral students for admission to graduate school and doctoral studies, trains teachers of other departments for internships in foreign universities, conducts classes in English, French and German. The participation of the Department in the language training of teachers at MGSU for introducing Master's degree programs in foreign languages is one of the urgent tasks of the recent years.

All employees of the Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication are highly-skilled professionals, who desire to update their knowledge and teaching methods. They actively use modern technologies in learning, including distance learning, always demonstrate a genuine interest and improving the educational process as well as scientific and educational work with students.

© 06.04.2024 | MGSU
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