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The Department of Information Systems, Technologies and Automation in Construction trains students of Bachelor’s degree programs in the following fields

♦ Computer Science and Engineering (09.03.01)

Profile: "System Engineering and Design Automation in Construction"

♦ Information Systems and Technologies (09.03.02)

Profile: "System Engineering and Information Management Technologies in Construction"

The Department trains students of Master’s degree programs in the following fields:

♦ Computer Science and Engineering (09.04.01)

Program: "Modeling of Automated Information Processing, Management and Design Systems in Construction"

♦ Civil Engineering (08.04.01)

Program: "Information Modeling in Civil Engineering"

The Department conducts postgraduate training in the following fields:

♦ Computer Science and Engineering (09.06.01)

Program: "Computer Science and Computer Engineering in Construction"

Scientific Research

Academic staff of the Department of Information Systems, Technologies and Automation in Construction conduct extensive research work on the main innovative fields of development of information processing systems, management, design for construction and a wide range of sectors of the real economy. The sphere of scientific interests of the scientists of the Department includes the following fields:

· information modeling technologies;

· multidimensional (N-D) modeling, virtual and augmented reality;

· development of distributed information systems, big data processing and analysis systems;

· modeling and development of control systems and automation of the activities of construction organizations;

· cyberphysical building systems, development of building management systems ("smart", "green", "active", "passive" buildings);

· system analysis of organizational and technological reliability of building systems and many others, including those included in the list of priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation.

The results of scientific research of the Department's academic staff are published in scientific journals, including those in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for Candidate and Doctor of Sciences degrees should be published, as well as in journals indexed by the international scientific citation systems Scopus and Web of Science. The academic staff of the Department actively participates in scientific conferences and seminars (both Russian and international).

Academic staff of the Department together with students conduct scientific research on the most burning issues of informatization in civil engineering. Students have an opportunity to undergo practical training in leading organizations of the industry, internship in advanced scientific, including foreign partner centers of the Department specializing in computer science, system analysis and automation in construction.

One of the results of the scientific work of the academic staff of the Department in recent years has been the publication of textbooks on the main areas of activity.

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