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The department focuses on scientific challenges in the following fields:

  • Development of methods for challenges of the theory of elasticity and moisture elasticity of inhomogeneous bodies with application to solving practically important problems of engineering and technology;
  • Application of probabilistic methods to assess the reliability and seismic resistance of building structures. Seismic resistance of massive structures of power structures;
  • Development of metamaterials with the properties of wide-range phonon crystals for scattering the energy of acoustic waves;
  • Properties and calculation of adhesive compounds research;
  • Application of electronic speckle interferometry to determine the elastic characteristics of thin fibers;
  • Study of the problems of fracture mechanics and crack resistance of structures;
  • Study of concrete nonrigid properties and strength, as well as the criterion of long-term strength of concrete in conditions of complex and inhomogeneous stress states under dynamic loading, as well as force effects of various durations;
  • Methodology improvement for calculating spatial structures in linear and nonlinear formulations.

The Department cooperates with other organizations, such as:

  • Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMech RAS),
  • N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS.

Academic staff of the department regularly publish scientific articles and onographs, participate in scientific and technical conferences, improve their professional qualifications at specialized courses and internships abroad.

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