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The high scientific and pedagogical potential of the teachers of the department makes it possible to successfully conduct scientific research in two branches: linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages.

Priority research fields include:

· problems of introducing information technologies and distance learning in the process of teaching foreign languages,

· issues of system and structural analysis of languages,

· theory of discourse,

· language for specific purposes,

· scientific and technical translation,

· machine translation.

The results of scientific and methodological activities of teachers are published in intercollegiate collections of scientific papers, in materials of all-Russian and international conferences in Russian and foreign languages, as textbooks, monographs, tutorials and study guides. In the RSCI database 131 publications of the members of the department are registered, with the total number of citations - 574.

Teachers of the department involve students in research activity encouraging them to make presentations in English, German and French at the annual university student conference. A collection of scientific articles of the students is published after the conference.

Students prepared by the academic staff of the department annually take part in contests and competitions in foreign languages held at various universities in Moscow (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, RUDN University, Russian University of Transport) and also participate in remotely organized events (Novosibirsk State Technical University).

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