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The Department of Higher Mathematics conducts research in both fundamental and applied fields: mathematical modeling in building materials science, the theory of differential equations and their applications to the calculation of structures, studies of extreme and approximation problems of the theory of functions and potential theory, algebra and geometry, mechanics and calculation of structures, functional analysis, statistical methods of processing experimental data. Papers of scientists of the Department of Higher Mathematics are published in leading Russian and foreign journals, collections of scientific papers are regularly published. The research conducted at the Department of Higher Mathematics has been repeatedly supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and the International Scientific Foundation.

From 2016 to 2022, the following representatives of the Department of Higher Mathematics defended Doctor degree theses: T.A. Matseevich (2017), Ph.D.: S.V. Erokhin (2016), S.A. Dukhnovskiy (2019), Yu.G. Zheglova (2021), T.V. Zhdanova (2022).

The following monographs have been published:

"Structure and Properties of Wood-Polymer Composites" (T.A. Matseevich as a co-author, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), "On the possibility of applying the Kahn-Hillard theory to mathematical modeling of combustion process" (O.A. Vasilieva as a co-author, 2020), "Hierarchical structures of fuzzy sets methodology of Logic and categories of soft computing process technologies" (A.R. Rustanov as a co-author, 2021), "Mathematical modeling and calculation of building structures" (V.N. Orlov as a co-author, 2022), "Computer Materials Science of polymers. vol.2. Nano-supramolecular level" (T.A. Matseevich as a co-author, 2022). 

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