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BioCity - Microbiology in Urban Design

“Biocity” is a multidisciplinary course that explores a variety of bio-components of the urban environment on the example of Moscow. Students will focus on the urban environment that surrounds them every day. Participants with different skills explore the links between an urban environment and bioprocesses. Participants will create their own urban environment project, using field observations on an urban environment, conducting bio experiments and analyzing the proposed theoretical experience.

Students are invited to create a personal project that will reflect the relationship of the urban environment, biological processes, and elements of the natural environment. At the end of the program, students will present their project and reflections on the topic under discussion.

Target group: Students from wide range of subjects are welcome to apply, in particular, Urban Studies, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Environmental Ecology. 

Aim of the course is to invoke interest in the new approach to urban design - to design architectural spatial solutions based on the analysis of bioprocess of our lives.

Methodology and structure: Program of the summer course is comprised of 2 modules: 

1. "BioCITY" – urban areas, architectural and urban aspects of its formation

2. “BioEnviroment for humanity” – engineering support of city bioprocesses

During the first part of the Project, students will study urban planning and architectural aspects, interpret and make the prototype layout of the city area. The second part is devoted to the engineering issues of construction, in which experiments will be conducted. Upon completion of the course, each student will have the opportunity to submit their own work.

© 04.04.2024 | MGSU
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