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The Department of Social, Psychological and Legal Communications was formed in 2014 with the aim of training qualified engineers, economists, managers, specialists in Information Technology and Civil Engineering, with a wide range of necessary social skills.

The Department is the leader in international grants among MGSU departments. In recent years, the main work has been carried out on two international projects: 1) Erasmus+ Jean Monnet and 2) Erasmus+ Capacity Building.

The Center for Psychological Support and Legal Advice and the Center of Excellence in the Field of Civil Engineering Education and Teacher Training operate at the Department.

Academic staff of the Department conducts research in such fields of education like Organization and Methodology of Civil Engineering Education, Psychology and Pedagogics, Sociology of Urban Planning and Architecture, Legal Support of Architects and Civil Engineers. The scientific activity of the academic staff is reflected in the topics of projects supported by Russian and foreign scientific foundations, in scientific publications, reports at scientific events, defended dissertations. The academic staff of the Department conducts research both in specific areas and on general cathedral topics (including three international grants).

Teachers of the Department provide educational and methodological material for students in all their academic disciplines. Following the modern pedagogical requirements for the training of specialists, teachers take into account the specifics of those fields of training for which training classes are conducted.

Cand. Sc. Psychology, Associate professor Aleksandr D. Ishkov is the Head of the Department of Social, Psychological and Legal Communications

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