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Department of Urban Planning 

The Town planning department has been existing as a part of Institute of construction and architecture since 2017 and carrying on educational tradition of the department municipal economy having been existed at the University till 2015.

The Department of Urban Planning focuses on research and education in the field of developing equitable, sustainable and smart cities. Activity of department is focused on technical and architectural aspects of regional and city planning and design and includes such directions as development of urban policy, city researches, transport planning, engineering support of territories, formation of the environment. We specialize in multi disciplinary approaches to the solution of city tasks including urban clever technologies, management of territories, architectural concepts, economic calculations, social aspects, modeling methods.

The department implements educational programs for all steps of education, including a bachelor degree, a magistracy, a postgraduate study.

4 Doctors of Engineering, more than 10 associate professors having degree of PhD and 4 teachers work at department. At department more than 15 PhD of students have been training.

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