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To date, the department has established a scientific school that works on advanced issues of mechanics. During the post-war period, several thousand scientific papers were published, including over 40 monographs on the peculiarities of calculating of shells, thin-walled and composite rods, structures on an elastic foundation, the theory of reliability, the theory of plasticity, the dynamics of structures, etc. Hundreds of PhD specialists have been, as well as over 30 Doctors of technical sciences, numerous consultations have been given to scientific and design organizations from Russia and the near abroad.   

Research activity fields are as follows:

• Calculation of structures interacting with deformed or random inhomogeneous environment for the effect of static and dynamic loads in linear and nonlinear settings;

• Calculation of rod and thin-walled spatial structures for strength, stability, reliability and temperature effects in linear and nonlinear productions;

• Vibration and seismic protection of buildings and structures;

• The use of modern calculation software systems in the calculation of buildings and structures;

• Theory of elastic and viscoelastic vibrations in elements of building structures;

• Calculation methods of multicomponent environments with non-stationary effects;

• Issues of wave propagation in two-component media;

• Dynamics and strength of construction machines, lifts (elevators);

• Numerical methods for solving dynamic issues of elasticity and plasticity theory;

• Calculation of strength and stability of shell structures. Creation of calculation method.

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