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Scientific problems that are solved at the Department:

· Functional basis of design;

· Physical functional basis for the design of enclosing structures;

· Thermophysical basis for the design of enclosing structures;

· Design of buildings and buildings considering natural light and insolation;

· Sound insulation and acoustics;

Disciplines that are taught at the Department:

· Fundamentals of architecture and building structures;

· Architecture of civil buildings;

· Architecture of industrial buildings;

· Physics of environment and enclosing structures;

· History of architecture and construction equipment.

The Department trains MASTERS in the direction of training 270800 "Construction" program "Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures"; " Physics of the environment and the functional basis of the design of energy-efficient and comfortable buildings»

as well as PhD students and DSc students in the following specialties:

05.23.01 Building constructions, buildings and structures;

05.23.21 Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity.

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