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17 Deep-water basin

Basin is designed for modeling research of hydraulic engineering works (both existing or designed)

Main fields of research:

· modeling research of river bed evolution during construction, operation and emergency situations at hydraulic engineering works

· testing of underwater equipment in conditions of high water pressure (up to 5 m depth)

· testing of equipment which is subjected to circular water


· pendulum-type wave generator, vibration frequency 0,5-2,0 Hz, wave range 3,0-20 cm

· video recording system

· transportable dampers

· pumps for water sewage

Special characteristics:

· basin equipped with a system of water admission and water sewage

· it is possible to supply with a water from water storage or water pipe

· water sewage is possible by gravity or by pump

Equipment for metrical support:

· strain-gage instrumentation

· strain gauge measuring system

· various force transducers.

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